Assignment 14.1
Completed first draft of entire stinkin' research paper--intro, all three main points, and conclusion reference page, abstract, or title page yet
"Must Haves" For High Score:
--Include the entire outline with the paper
--have at least 5 in-text citations per page
--good sentence structure
--good spelling
--following your outline in paper
--in on time
(8 hours)
Must be turned in on exceptions
Submit 14.1 Entire Research Paper due Apr 18 (100 points)
Total Time: 12 hours
Discovery Sheet For Research Paper Peer Review
Copy and Paste the questions and prompts below into a Google document, answer the questions and prompts, and send to me for a grade.
1. What is the topic of the paper? Is the topic in the correct place in the intro?
2. Is there an attention getter? What is it?
3. What are the three points the paper will cover?
Do each of the three points support the side of the argument the writer is trying to get the reader to take?
point 1...supports the argument by:
point 2...supports the argument by:
point 3...supports the argument by:
4. What is the average number of in-text citations per page?
5. Are the in-text citations "cited" correctly? If not, what is the problem?
6. Does all paragraph info support the first sentence of each paragraph?
7. Does the conclusion sum up the paper and include the thesis and essay map?
8. Is the "work cited" page done correctly?
~are the bibs in alphabetical order?
~are the indents correct?
9. Does the abstract summarize all points in the paper?
10. Is there a variety of works cited in the paper...or does the writer seem to be using the same reference way too often?