Writing About Literature
11.1 Reading and Notes
Read and take notes over pp 437-440 and submit.
(30 minutes)
Submit 11.1 Notes Mar 22 (5 pts)
Also, read pp 440-443 and pay special attention to the "blue margin notes" in order to get an idea as to how to jot down notes when reading a story.
11.2 Reading and Notes
Read and take notes over pp 446-450 paying special attention to the poem When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer by Walt Whitman and the notes in blue
(30 minutes)
Submit 11.2 Notes Mar 23 (5 pts)
11.3 Reading and Notes
Read and take notes over pp 453-455 paying special attention to the paragraph on page 455 "Analysis is NOT plot summary" since this is a problem most students struggle with.
When analyzing prose or poetry give the reader plot info ONLY when it supports the analysis. Summarizing the plot is a waste of the reader's time since the reader has already read the story and there is no need to retell it to them.
(30 minutes)
Submit 11.3 Notes Mar 24 (5 pts)
11.4 Practing What You've Learned
Read the story, "Geraldo No Last Name" pp 456-457 and write notes on the story. Again, look at pp 440-443 to see how it is done. The topic of the paper you will be writing is: How does this story comment on stereotying and human misunderstanding? Knowing the topic of the paper, helps you to direct your notes toward the topic you will be writing about.
(1 hour)
Submit 11.4 Notes on "Geraldo No Last Name" Mar 25 (10 pts)
11.5 Writing the Analysis on the story "Geraldo No Last Name"
Given the story, "Geraldo No Last Name" pp 456-457, write a 5 paragraph (750-800 words) paper on the topic:
How does this story comment on stereotying and human misunderstanding?
Suggestion: Look at the "student essay" on pp 444-446 and follow how this paper was written. Look especially at the info in the margins in blue to see what the author did in order to correctly write the essay.
ALSO, follow the guidelines for writing about Literature on pp 453-454
Some Tips:
~when you use a quote...which you should, never have the quote in a sentence without the reason you are using the quote also included in this sentence. A quote should never "stand alone" as a sentence.
(3 hours)
Submit 11.5 Five paragraph paper on Mar 28 (50 pts)
Total Time: 5.5 hours
New Way of Doing Novel Notecards
--Summarize both novels
--Choose one to do a response on
to do the response, research the theme of the novel and discuss the theme using at least 2 sources.
Novels this week: Moby Dick and The Inferno due March 27
Mere Christianity: Book 2; Chapters 4 & 5 due March 27
No Test This Week